How much does it cost to attend PrideFest Capitol Hill or PrideFest Seattle Center?

There is no cost for attending either event. PrideFest Capitol Hill takes place on Saturday, June 24, 2023 from noon-8pm and PrideFest Seattle Center takes place on Sunday, June 25, 2023 from noon-8pm.

Other events we list on our homepage (like bar/club street festivals or nightclub parties) may charge a fee for entry, but generally events like ours, Trans Pride, and the Pride Parade are free for attendees.

Do you offer ASL Interpreting Services?

Yes, both our PrideFest Capitol Hill main stage (at Harrison/Broadway) and PrideFest Seattle Center main stage (Fisher Green, just north of the International Fountain) offer ASL interpreting for both speaking and musical acts.

How can I become a sponsor or vendor?

By the time you’re reading this, we’re likely going to be sold out of all festival spaces. Visit our website at www.seattlepridefest.org to find out more information and to potentially get on a waitlist.

Can I apply to be a PrideFest artist this year?

Unfortunately, all of our artist spots for 2023 are filled. Please reach out to us in January 2024 for information on how to apply for 2024.

How can we talk to someone at PrideFest?

The easiest way to talk to us is to send an e-mail to our Executive Director Egan Orion at egan@pridefest.org or you can leave us a voicemail at 206.701.0272.